Sénégal de Fontaine

Sénégal de Fontaine Image

Semen price

Excl VAT: € 1000.00

+ Chilled Courier & Health Papers

Excl VAT: €175.00

Springbank II VH Skovens Rafael Romanov
De La Reinne VH De Niro
Rakel VH
Queenparks Wendy Sezuan Blue Hors Zack
Boegegaardens Don Romina
Skovens Vanilla Soprano
Viola Stensvang

Warunki: Stanówka 1000 EUR + 13,5% VAT, umożliwia wiele prób nasieniem chłodzonym w jednym sezonie na jednej, nominowanej klaczy. 

Jeśli klacz będzie nieźrebna do końca sezonu, kwota równa 50% stanówki przechodzi do wykorzystania na nasienie jakiegokolwiek ogiera z tej samej stadniny w kolejnym roku. Jeśli pierwsza inseminacja będzie miała miejsce 1-szego lipca lub później i klacz nie zajdzie w ciążę, to kwota przechodząca na kolejny rok wynosi 100% opłaconej stanówki. W takich wypadkach potrzebne będzie Świadectwo Badania w Kierunku Ciąży podpisane przez lekarza weterynarii, wykonane nie później niż 30-stego Września.

Każda przesyłka chłodzonego nasienia wiąże się z opłatą, która pokrywa koszty kuriera i certyfikatu weterynaryjnego.


Ten ogier jest nosicielem recesywnego genu syndromu WFFS (Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome). Elite Stallions radzi hodowcom, aby zbadać klacz w kierunku nosicielstwa genu WFFS i tylko wtedy łączyć z tym ogierem jeśli klacz nie jest nosicielką.

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About - You will find excellent bloodlines in the pedigree of Sénégal de Fontaine, which brings together the powerful lines of the legendary stallions Donnerhall, Rubinstein, Ferro and Sandro Hit to form a young star that is superior in every aspect. He is something very special and possesses everything needed to achieve success as a breeding stallion and a future competition horse.

Sire - Sired by Springbank II VH, who was a Danish Warmblood Champion Stallion and winner of the Stallion Performance test (10 for rideability and perspective), won the Swedish Young Horse Championship three times and the Danish Young Horse Championship twice. As a 5-year-old, with a total of 9.18 (9.5 for canter and overall impression), he achieved fifth place at the World Championship for young dressage horses. In 2020, he won the qualifier for the Danish Young Horse Championship for 6-year-olds. But just like the World Championships for young dressage horses, for which Springbank II VH was selected, the final could not be held due to the Corona pandemic. Under his new owner German Yara Reichert, he made his debut as a 7-year-old in the small tour and came twelfth at the World Championships for young horses in Verden. In 2022, the first victories and top positions in international small tours in Hagen, Stadl Paura/AUT and Samorin/SVK followed. Our Stallion Performance test reserve winner Åtoftens Springtime is also among the licensed sons of Springbank II VH.

Damline - Sénégal de Fontaine is a son of Andreas Helgstrand's international Grand Prix winner Queenparks Wendy. In 2019, the Sezuan daughter also won a bronze medal at the World Championships for five-year-old dressage horses. In 2021, she finished sixth in the final for seven-year-old dressage horses. Her son Ferdinand de Fontaine (by Franklin) has already been licensed. He was Premium Stallion in Mecklenburg in 2022.

More Details

Stud Helgstrand Dressage
Approved For Hanoverian
WFFS Status Carrier
Studbook Oldenburg
Year of Birth 2020
Colour Black
Height 167cm
% Thoroughbred
